Let’s rewrite the story of strength together.

It takes a village to raise a mother.
Pea Body Pilates is here to help.

Pea Body Pilates

Pea Body Pilates creates both physical and emotional postpartum transformation through corrective and repairing movement.

We allow mothers to take power of their own recovery during their journey of motherhood with us, no matter how many years postpartum they may be. 

Our extensive knowledge of the postpartum body combined with a multifaceted approach to healing make up our integrative approach.

Using a combination of Pilates, strength training, yoga and physical therapy techniques, we both strengthen the postpartum body as well as resolve the many conditions that can arise with motherhood: (diastasis recti, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic floor dysfunctions and back pain…just to name a few).

Our approach is results-driven.

Together, we build strength and confidence through corrective, safe and mindful movements.

Pea Body Pilates empowers mothers to regain the strength, movement and health they need to have a strong sense of self and power to take on each day confidently.

you got it, mama!

Meet Your Instructor

I’m Claire Zimmer, owner and founder of Pea Body Pilates.

But no title is more important to me than “mama.” I’m sure this rings true to you, too— which is why I want to help you feel your body move and function like never before.

My clients tell me they feel stronger and more capable in their bodies than they did pre-baby. Our bodies are different after children and I believe in using that to our advantage!

My approach to movement is unconventional and unique; I do not stick to one method. I have training and education across multiple approaches to working with the body: Pilates, yoga, pelvic floor education and physical therapy techniques which work together to comprise my holistic programming. Seeing the body as a whole rather than individual parts is crucial to postpartum healing and repair.

After baby, you CAN feel like yourself again. In fact, you can feel like a really great version of you.

Yes, even with less time, less sleep and a messier house.


Comprehensive Pilates Certified; balanced body // pre/postnatal pilates specialist; the center for women’s fitness // postpartum corrective exercise specialist; core exercise solutions // prenatal yoga instructor; mamatree // postural analysis; body harmonics

ways i can serve you

Self-Paced Courses

Pea Body Pilates at home!

Explore postpartum virtual courses. 15 minutes/day for 4 weeks is all it takes to see + feel real change. Your time, your schedule, your home.

1:1 Sessions

1:1 sessions for YOUR unique body. All sessions are virtual, making them convenient and easy to work into your schedule. Kids and pets welcome!

Free Discovery Call

Start your journey here

Client love

  • “My sessions with Claire are the highlight of my week and I am thrilled with how strong and healthy I feel. I was immediately struck by both your warmth and knowledge. You always knew the precise, tiny adjustment that would make my sessions the most productive while protecting my problematic low back. Your cueing and explanations are incredible- your knowledge of anatomy and how various parts of the body work together. Old aches and pains are diminished, I have more physical control, and my core! I have degenerative disc disease but having a strong core (and rest of my body!) is such a relief and makes me confident that I can remain healthy and injury-free for a long time! I have had 11 surgeries in the past few years and I believe my Pilates sessions with Claire have allowed me to bounce back and recover so quickly. I feel there's nothing I can't get over :).

    Besides getting the best workout for my body, it is just a delight to spend time with you. You care about your clients lives and well-being in addition to their physical health. After class I feel great! Stronger, more limber, and have an overall sense of accomplishment. You should 100% take classes with Claire. 150%! You will be so happy you did. A) She is the loveliest person. B) SHE KNOWS HER STUFF C) She will listen to you, remember your specific issues, and ensure you are getting a workout that is both productive and safe D) Pilates, in the hands of a skilled practitioner like Claire, is AMAZING! It is the perfect mix of strengthening and stretching - pushing your body without punishing it. I have never felt stronger! Doing mat Pilates with Claire has totally changed my body.”

    — Erica

  • “This was an emotional one. Thank you for all you do. Claire has had such a huge impact on my body, my movements and overall quality of life! I have been on a journey with Claire since 2017 to fight chronic back pain. Claire has helped me overcome some of my most challenging and overwhelming times, where surgery or endless pain seemed like the only option. Her gentle approach, passion for healthy movements and attention to detail have helped me progress in times I didn’t think possible. I can’t believe the guidance she is able to give me over a zoom call! Her precise directions,/corrections change everything in how my body feels. I can’t stress enough how grateful I am for the work we do together.

    I have gone from dark days of feeling unable to play with my little girl, to happily chasing my daughter at the park, and carrying her soon-to-be baby brother…here I am in my third trimester, keeping up with a two year old, and yet I feel healthy and stable. I never thought I would get here without huge amounts of pain. Thank you, Claire for bringing such wellness to both my body and my mind. I’m so grateful for her work in helping my spine and for her deep understanding of a woman’s journey through pregnancy and postnatal recovery. I can’t wait to attack postpartum with her and make this body even stronger!”

    — Vaness

  • “There's a depth to the feeling in your muscles you get when you're doing Pilates with Claire that is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I have spent my whole life feeling like I am bad at sports and generally unathletic; I no longer feel unathletic - I just had to find a kind of exercise that involved a set of skills that suited me better. I feel strong..I also have noticed that my posture is so much less lopsided, even when I am not actively correcting it. That is huge and gives me a sense of confidence in the way I carry myself. After class I always, every time, feel so good - proud of myself, pleasantly sore/tired, but simultaneously energized.”

    — Zarine

  • “Getting to know Claire's work and practices have been one of the highlights and most healing things in modern life. Claire is an exceptional Pilates teacher. She is supportive, and a great communicator. Though we originally began working together to recover from a leg injury, this ultimately led to a level of strength and fitness I could have never imagined. Practicing Pilates together has been one of the best investments I’ve made in myself and my health. I highly recommend working with Claire.”

    — Susan

  • ““I am 74 years old (!!!!!) and have “worked out” my entire adult life, including various types of dance, competitive swimming, strength training, yoga and pretty much everything in between. When I started private sessions with Claire I was laboring under two misconceptions; first, that I was already as strong as I could hope to be at my age, and second, that the lower back pain that had plagued me for decades was probably a given, due to scoliosis and now, osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease. After five years with Claire as my teacher, I can honestly say I was completely wrong on both counts. I feel stronger than I did a decade ago, and, even better, my back pain has all but disappeared. Claire designs our virtual classes with my particular body in mind. Each session feels like a mini adventure; no two are ever the same, and her attention to the most subtle detail of movement is, frankly, amazing. That she is a genuinely thoughtful and lovely person is icing on the cake! Claire brings such commitment to each of our sessions, and I know she tailors them specifically to me and my body’s particular needs. She is deeply concerned with form and alignment; I always eel challenged yet completely safe. When I take instruction with Claire, I feel as though I am experiencing Pilates in the deepest and purest way.”

    — Brenda

  • “Claire has worked with me on improving my form and strengthening my core and other parts of my body. Claire is a wonderful teacher and she structures her teaching every session to what I need that day. She’s made me love Pilates and incorporate it into my daily life.”

    — Suramya

  • “When I took Claire's class early postpartum, her kindness, encouragement, and gentleness made me feel so well supported. I had not done much Pilates before, and her clear prompts and modifications made the movements flow easily. She was attentive to my individual needs, questions, and appropriate/safe movements for a number of weeks postpartum after a C-section. Claire is not only an incredible instructor, she's a friend!”

    — Katie

  • “It has been years since I’ve taken a Pilates class, but Claire put me immediately at ease and led me through the exercises with grace and professionalism. After only one class I feel amazing and have committed to a program. Thank you Claire for a most enjoyable time.”

    — Christina

  • “Claire’s classes are a highlight of the week - they ground me, reset my body, and are a real compliment to other forms of exercise I engage in. During classes, I feel looked after - Claire curates her classes in a way that make me feel cared for. She also gives options to make the class “your own.” After 6 months of consistent classes, I felt stronger, more toned, in better shape, and that my investment in my well-being was worthwhile. What surprised me was that consistent practice, even slowly, makes progress. I was used to fast-paced, high-energy HIIT classes that, while fun, taxed me and put undue strain on me. Adjusting to the calming but strengthening pace of Claire’s Pilates classes was an adjustment, but an adjustment I was willing to make and an adjustment I’m glad I made. I saw more healthy progress with Claire’s Pilates than I ever did with the HIIT classes. I also love talking about it with friends and giving them small tips I learn during class about breathing, how to sit up taller, how to properly engage my muscles, and more. During my consistent practice, I felt like my body was functioning more in-tune with my brain; Pilates with Claire is a time for my body to do some work, tire itself out, and get the stretch it needed."

    — Jessica

  • “Claire creates a warm and welcoming environment, and her joy in teaching shines through. She knows the postnatal context so well that you can feel confident that she's teaching safe and effective exercises that will support your body in its recovery.

    I'm so impressed with how she is able to help me make adjustments throughout class via Zoom. Overall I feel so much stronger since starting to take classes with Claire, especially in my core, which is a huge change after my c-section.”

    — Clelia Anna

  • “What makes Claire so special is she brings a holistic, whole health and human-centered approach to her unparalleled depth and breadth of practice. Because of Claire’s rigor and thoughtfulness in customizing our sessions together, I am able to listen to my body in new ways. Her carefully crafted movements decompress, improve flexibility and build strength.

    I suffer from frequent UTIs and incontinence, and part of our practice has centered around pelvic floor release work. I am extremely grateful to Claire for her guidance and expertise in this area.

    She has really saved me in times of pain and her tenderness has made me realize I am not alone. She has provided me the precious gift of healing and hope .”

    — Jill

  • This was an emotional one. Thank you for all you do.

    Claire has had such a huge impact on my body, my movements, and overall quality of life! I have been on a journey with Claire since 2017 to fight chronic back pain from my nursing career and to, more recently, regain strength as a new & busy “Mama.”

    Hurting my back at work and damaging discs in my spine, at such a young age, has had a significant impact on me. Claire has helped me overcome some of my most challenging and overwhelming times, where surgery or endless pain seemed like the only option. Her gentle approach, passion for healthy movements, and attention to detail have helped me progress in times I didn’t think possible. I can’t believe the guidance she is able to give me over a zoom call! Her precise directions/corrections change everything in how my body feels. I can’t stress enough how grateful I am for the work we do together.

    I’ve gone from dark days of feeling unable to play with my little girl, to happily chasing my daughter at the park, and to carrying her soon to be baby brother…Here I am navigating pregnancy in my third trimester, keeping up with a 2 year old, and yet I feel healthy and stable. I never thought I would get here without huge amounts of pain.

    Thank you to Claire for bringing such wellness to both my body and my mind. I’m so grateful for her work in helping my spine and for her deep understanding of a woman’s journey through pregnancy and postnatal recovery.

    I cant wait to attack postpartum with her and make this body even stronger! -V.M

  • I am 74 years old (!!!!!) and have “worked out” my entire adult life, including various types of dance, competitive swimming, strength training, yoga and pretty much everything in between. When I started private sessions with Claire I was laboring under two misconceptions; first, that I was already as strong as I could hope to be at my age, and second, that the lower back pain that had plagued me for decades was probably a given, due to scoliosis and now, osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease. After five years with Claire as my teacher, I can honestly say I was completely wrong on both counts. I feel stronger than I did a decade ago, and, even better, my back pain has all but disappeared. Claire designs our virtual classes with my particular body in mind. Each session feels like a mini adventure; no two are ever the same, and her attention to the most subtle detail of movement is, frankly, amazing. That she is a genuinely thoughtful and lovely person is icing on the cake! -B.B.

  • I started working with Claire online during the pandemic, and immediately recognized her gift as an instructor. She gently encourages her clients to push themselves "just a little bit more", and is committed to her own self improvement as an instructor. I wasn’t new to Pilates, and soon we began private sessions over Zoom. What I love about our work together is how I have learned to be much more precise in integrating the right muscles to complete an exercise. I am always surprised how much more challenging the exercises are when they are done correctly! Pilates with Claire just makes my body feel good AND helps me excel in other sports; I have a much greater awareness and appreciation of how to activate muscles independent of each other to achieve specific movements. I always look forward to Claire’s unique twist on our workouts. -Sabrina

  • Claires' classes are the perfect antidote to more than a decade spent sitting in front of a computer, which has resulted in pain and stiffness in various parts of the body. She takes the time to understand the body issues you are experiencing and her sessions are always expertly designed to target the areas which need the most attention. This, plus the positive energy she exudes, always means I leave her sessions feeling so good! Looser, stronger and more energized.

    Her homework exercises allow me to extend her sessions throughout the week, and over time through her teaching, I have built up my own personalized library of strengthening and stretching exercises. Making creating a personal practice between sessions so easy. All in all this has resulted in me having a more limber and progressively stronger body, and most importantly being pain free during my working hours. -Shona

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